
Bunion Treatment With the DynaBunion™ Approach

Bunions can significantly impact your daily life, causing discomfort, pain, and difficulty wearing shoes. At Hammond Foot and Ankle, Dr. Jeffrey Hammond, a board-certified podiatrist and bunions specialist, offers expert treatment and bunion therapy using the minimally invasive DynaBunion™ approach. If you're seeking relief for your bunions, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Bunions Q & A


Bunions are bony protrusions that form at the base of the big toe. They develop when the joint connecting the big toe to the foot becomes misaligned, causing the toe to angle toward the other toes. This misalignment often results in a visible bump on the side of the foot, accompanied by pain and discomfort.


Genetics and inherited foot structure are primary factors contributing to bunions. If bunions run in your family, you may be predisposed to developing them. Additionally, wearing ill-fitting shoes, particularly those with high heels or narrow-toe boxes, can exacerbate the condition by applying excessive pressure on the joint, gradually pushing the big toe out of alignment.


The misalignment of the big toe can lead to various issues, including corns, calluses, blisters, altered weight distribution on foot, pain in the arch or ball of the foot, and difficulty wearing shoes. Left untreated, bunions can interfere with walking and physical activities, significantly impacting your quality of life.


Hammond Foot and Ankle offers a minimally invasive solution for bunions known as the DynaBunion™ surgical technique. This innovative approach aims to correct bunions with less invasive methods, resulting in reduced postoperative discomfort and downtime. During the procedure, Dr. Hammond makes small incisions to realign the joint and remove the bony prominence. DynaBunion typically leads to smaller scars, less pain, and quicker recovery compared to traditional bunion surgery.


If you're struggling with bunions and seeking a treatment option that minimizes disruption to your daily life, DynaBunion may be suitable for you. Determining eligibility for DynaBunion requires a consultation with Dr. Hammond, during which factors such as the severity of your bunions, overall health, and treatment preferences are considered. Dr. Hammond's expertise ensures you receive personalized guidance and make an informed decision regarding your bunion treatment.

Take the First Step Toward Relief

If you're experiencing bunions, don't wait to seek treatment. Contact Hammond Foot and Ankle today to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Hammond. Call us or book an appointment online to take the first step toward relief from bunions.